After The Resignation For A Revolution

This month's so fuckin' hard, new month at this fuckin' brand new years is so much makin' me too confusse to thinkin', my head too headache, my brain's too bussy to thinkin' a great deals, deal with my own ways, deal with ways to choose before and after. Couple a days ago I've decided, makin' a deals with my own fuckin' self, its hard but I must face it anyway no matter it was and no matter it will. Two days ago I made a deal with some my luvly vodkah, it was a boring day to face with fully pure clean mind so I've invited her (vodkah) to accompanion my day, from nine am till four pm. Playing a great damn Portishead song called Airbus Reconstruction/Sour Times in my "kompilemotsekalitemanbaikku" aka my mp3 player (not a computah), it (song) such a give me wings to flyin' at my fuckin' room, flyin' but not too high coz I still recognize my self, my kompilemotsekalitemanbaikku, my winamp, my oh my.....

Huah....thats such a silly things called drunk with my fave cheap vodkah. so where the hell is revolution typed at the tittle? well its still under constructions dude hahaha, so what did I mean with it? halah....gocap tambah gocap = cepek dweeeehhh. You have the answer for that, and you know what? you're as silly as my silly mind you know!!!! coz you've read this silly note till this end word hehehehe.

Peace just my silly note anyway, no fuckin' heart feelings :biggrin:

performancing firefox

2 Komentar:

Anonymous said...

tiarap kemana komanden, selfhealing yak :hammer:
btw kompiekujadilemotdantakbisamutermp3

Anonymous said...

yois lur tiarap untuk penyembuhan trauma heuheuheu.... emg kuneon dai kompi?

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